Gone are the days where one could only rely on actual cameras to take any pictures, or wait for a professional photographer to do the job.
While the importance of a professional photographer will not be dismissed, as it cannot be, the truth is- technology has made more things accessible, and this has played a very great role in marketing. Marketing trends shift with the time, and with the availability of phones (with camera quality even better than certain cameras), the game has changed for the better.
Deals have been sealed from a simple pretty feed of pictures on Websites and social media pages, and while these pictures that sell seem innocent enough, effort has been made to make it what it is.
On Collected.Reviews, you’d find experiences about online stores, on how easy it makes purchasing the items you need to for taking better pictures with your smartphone. Below are five tips for taking better pictures for marketing purposes with your smartphone:

1. Lights:
While the first thing on your grand plan to take the best pictures may be to purchase a smartphone that has the best camera, sometimes, all you need is a really good light. It may be natural lights, or it may be artificial lights. It is advised that one tries out pictures first with natural lights. If it’s however not working for you, artificial LED lights or studio lights can work to compliment it.
2. Frame it right:
This is important, as it is what would make sure that you are focusing the camera on what you intend to capture. Enabling ‘grid lines’ in your camera setting is a good place to start. The lines that come on the screen will guide the composition of the arrangement of what you want captured, removing extras that may distract.
3. Ditch the zoom and just bring it closer:
There is sometimes the temptation to zoom in on images, but where you are taking a picture for marketing, this is one you should avoid, because it messes with the quality of your pictures. This may be where the quality of the phone used would play, as there are now phones with multiple lenses with one that serves the purpose of capturing far images. If it’s for marketing, just ditch the zoom and bring it closer to yourself.
4. Get a tripod with a shutter remote:
An extendable tripod will help to offset shaky hands. You may also need to stay in the picture of what you are taking in position, so having a tripod, along with a remote that takes the picture at your timing will serve better than relying on timers.
5. Invest in editing software:
It is marketing, so you have to put in as much work required in an image to make it sell. Editing can make all the difference to an otherwise dull and unremarkable image. There are editing applications that are very easy to use, so there is no need to fear.
Practice makes a world of difference when it comes to skills, so you don’t need to wait till you have to take these marketing pictures before you get yourself acquainted with these tips. Start already.